Soft money also allows contributors who have already given to the McGreevey or Whitman campaigns to give again to the state party.
Megadodo was criticized by its customers for setting up an artificial universe in order to allow its editors and contributors to collect book information without leaving their offices.
The idea of allowing contributors to sidle up to the President and his chief policy makers in less than formal ways is not new.
But he still had a reservation about allowing contributors to trade before publication.
Around June 2000, NIST relocated the source code to under the Public Domain license in order to allow external contributors to make changes.
Online Image Editor allows content contributors to edit images without needing additional software.
The American Museum of Natural History in Manhattan allows $100 contributors, for an additional fee, to rent a private room for a children's birthday party.
Conde Nast adopted a new policy a few months ago that in most cases allowed contributors to re-sell their work after 90 days.
In so doing, and in allowing contributors to be rewarded with special access in his administration, he is providing a perfect illustration of why reform is needed.
This will allow other contributors to remix selected works and create collaborative works.