But the Soviet system did not allow individual athletes to profit from success, prohibiting them from playing elsewhere.
This ended what many believed was the hypocrisy of amateurism and allowed athletes to build careers over several Games.
The proposed revision would allow new athletes who failed to meet the standards to receive nonathletic financial aid based on need.
Its focus is to allow sports fans and athletes alike to connect directly via a community of fellow enthusiasts.
The classification system allowed athletes to compete against others with a similar level of function.
Barnstorming has a history of allowing athletes to participate in dual sports.
Marolt said allowing athletes to stay on their own eroded team spirit.
Some advocate allowing athletes to use any drugs they want.
The Olympics used to be only for amateur athletes, but recently they have been allowing professional athletes to participate.
Discussion question: How do you feel about allowing professional athletes to participate in the Olympics?