A second show, allowing amateurs, was held that June.
Ektachrome, initially developed in the early 1940s, allowed professionals and amateurs alike to process their own films.
The old arrogance was hard to shake, especially when it came to sports that allowed amateurs.
Cooking is her hobby and she does not allow well-meaning amateurs.
Are we allowing amateurs to burn our assets now?
Digital cameras now allow amateurs with relatively modest equipment to capture space images easily.
The marathon has a reputation for allowing professionals and amateurs to discover new music, though many of the bands have already been discovered.
Military education is far too important a thing to be wasted by allowing amateurs to get involved.
However, international rules do not allow amateurs to race more than 200 kilometers, or 124.8 miles.
The league allowed amateurs and professionals to play against each other openly.