He talked about the benefit of educating women and allowing them a greater role in civil society.
The drug companies have too much self-interest to be allowed even a peripheral role in defining illness.
In time the American practice of trials allowed a greater and more vigorous role to the defense of the accused.
However, Lenin had developed a new view which allowed for the working class a greater role in developing their own ideology.
He says he would never allow Iran an important role.
He proposed the way to escape the dilemma is to allow a role for chance.
But he said yesterday that the measure must be rewritten to allow city officials a greater role.
Even if malai society had allowed such a role to the female, her family would never have permitted it.
However, his mother did not allow Edward an active role in the running of the country until 1898.
Why not allow parents and children a greater role in searching out and creating schools that work?