Such a move would allow Democrats to filibuster the plan.
This united voter base allowed Democrats to be elected to Congress and the presidency for much of the next 30 years.
But nearly all the defenses that allowed Democrats to hold back the Republican tax-cutting tide in recent years have been washed away.
Senter's policies, which allowed Democrats to regain control of the state, angered the state's Republicans, and effectively ended his political career.
I'm surprised they even allow Democrats.
It will also allow Democrats who run against those 16 Republicans next year to make television ads accusing them of supporting flag burning.
And they said tax cuts would surely be fairer and more productive than allowing Democrats to spend the money.
The power of incumbency allowed Democrats to raise, and spend, far more money than Republicans in this fall's elections.
He said he decided not to speed up the election or reduce costs by allowing Republicans and Democrats to choose nominees at party conventions.
But a division among Republicans allowed Democrats to stay out of the fray until the moment of truth arrived this week.