But it has not passed the portion that allocates grants to local governments, school districts and nonprofit organizations that provide social services.
At the same time, the commission is asking Congress to consider raising the checkoff amount or allocating special grants to head off the expected deficit.
Kirkham has given generously to charity, allocating grants totalling £455,000 in 1998/99.
A trust in his name still allocates educational grants to local youngsters.
The National Playing Fields Association would act, as administrator, to look at and consider proposals in order to allocate grants.
Miss Wang said her job is to allocate grants for projects that would modernize and improve the Chinese food supply.
In addition, they would allocate local grants and manage local parks and libraries.
A Generous Foundation To keep this status, it continues to allocate large grants to many individuals and groups.
The ministry along with other government bodies supervises activities at the lower levels, allocates grants and periodically evaluates services to ensure correspondence to national goals.
That organization allocates grants towards specific research projects for the safety, welfare, longevity and improvement of life for race horses.