When they were reunited, they devoured the alligator meat, keeping guard as they did so.
They dined on corn cakes and alligator meat, with drink made from corn.
Last year, they even ordered alligator meat for a customer.
Maybe we can even find one that serves alligator meat.
As for the sales of alligator meat and Mikimoto pearls, Mr. Piacentini could not provide specifics on sales.
Another factor in the alligator's favor is that in China, alligator meat is thought to have health benefits, including fending off old age.
They are subsequently killed for human consumption, as in China alligator meat is thought to cure colds and prevent cancer.
Alligator Joe's, a rowdy weekend hangout, serves alligator meat.
On the product front, he mentioned free-range alligator meat and companion gator products from the New York City sewer system.
Every year, about 15 million pounds of alligator fat are disposed of in landfills as a waste byproduct of the alligator meat and skin industry.