Every allergy season seems to be touted by the media as being the worst one on the books.
But two or three years later, they are feeling terrific and come allergy season, they're just not feeling it.
For some people and their eyes, it seems like every season is allergy season.
He said the asthma problem this year was about 25 percent worse than in past years at the peak of allergy season.
Taking supplements before allergy season starts can help reduce your symptoms.
On average, climate change has already extended the allergy season by 20 days annually since 1950.
Preventive medicines can be taken before the start of the allergy season, she said.
He hopes that next year's allergy season will be better.
I have asthma, and it gets worse during allergy season.
Economists are holding their breath (and not just because it's still allergy season).