When it was created, the fountain fused modern gas-lighting and cast-iron technologies with water and was intended to allegorically represent Light and Water.
On the surface, the poem describes Dante's travels through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven; but at a deeper level, it represents allegorically the soul's journey towards God.
Symbolical of the important successes of this campaign, it allegorically represents the "Key to Victory" in Europe.
Built in a rococo wedding cake style and inspired by the Latona Fountain at the Palace of Versailles, it is meant to allegorically represent Lake Michigan.
After the celebration of the agape the neophyte is worthy of a new birth, represented allegorically.
They allegorically represent all the bad people in the world.
Boucher was also commissioned to create a sculpture allegorically representing the union of Brittany with France.
Although the novel's events take place in a fictional future, the three parts allegorically represent crucial phases of Western history.
In the four corners of the pedestal are busts allegorically representing, Faith, Courage, Freedom, and Strength.
Part one contains a rose garden that allegorically represents potential within human existence.