Surrounding the pair are figures that represent in allegorical form Justice and Peace, Science, Agriculture, Fine Arts, Navigation, Industry, Commerce and so on.
Each Graha carries a specific energy quality, which is described in an allegorical form through its scriptural and astrological references.
This allegorical form is innately limited (it may even seem quaint to Western audiences).
The meanings of the characters' names in Siddhartha are part of the book's allegorical form.
As Erich Auerbach points out in his essay "Figura", typological (figural) interpretation co-existed alongside allegorical and symbolic-mythical forms of interpretation.
Jonathan Swift wrote his greatest satires for The Examiner, often in allegorical form, lampooning the controversies between the Tories and Whigs.
Death is more typically presented through images of widows, orphans and elderly parents on memorials, all popular inter-war allegorical forms for death and grieving.
His verses, for the most part roundels on two rhymes, are songs of love and spring, and retain the allegorical forms of the Roman de la Rose.
His characters, main and subordinate, tell a lot of stories in allegorical form, if working-class syntax.
The manual should, of course, not be used rigidly, exoterically, but should be taken in its esoteric, allegorical form.