Gaddafi allegedly worked for years with Swiss banks to launder international banking transactions.
He was allegedly working with nitroglycerin, which led to the destruction of a tower at the Castle Frankenstein.
Apple hasn't officially acknowledged the issue, but the company is allegedly working on the problem, according to another customer.
Joseph Katz allegedly worked for Soviet intelligence from the 1930s to the late 1940s as one of its most active liaison agents.
He claimed to have moved to Missouri in 1873 and was allegedly working at a sawmill at age 12 in 1882.
Shows how he feels about the defendant and those who allegedly worked with him.
They allegedly worked on their own on the principle of self-reliance, without any financial and technical support from the government.
His father allegedly worked for the National Intelligence Organization.
Microsoft is allegedly working on a version of its Windows operating system suited to tablet and smartphone based processors.
The militia threatened "to kill any nun leaving the convent" because they were allegedly working for the resistance.