In 2003 when the second stage was built, the Westfield Group allegedly sought help from the government in forcing its closure.
"He allegedly sought to deceive the President and to prevent disclosure of facts of profound national importance," the judge said.
Newton then wanted to transfer to a four-year college, and his father allegedly sought money from the schools competing for Newton's attendance.
The Muslims in turn were allegedly seeking revenge for the "poisoning" of a brother who had actually died of natural causes.
Critics of those who allegedly seek to perfect human beings know this.
Shirazi alleged that Israel was "close to annihilation," and allegedly sought to attack Iran out of desperation.
It does not explain why Mr. Quinn allegedly sought to penetrate that computer or what he did once he gained access.
In foreign affairs, the regime sought allegedly to emulate the former Soviet Union's grandeur, belligerence and expansionism.
Which criticized the other for allegedly seeking deficit financing the same day it was down at the rating agencies negotiating to do the same thing?
Blagojevich allegedly sought the following in exchange for an appointment: