The case of the allegedly false police report about a phantom black assailant in Yonkers especially angered many minority leaders in the county.
He had hoped that after his speech in which he had explained his position, and offered full defence for his actions, the allegedly false propaganda against him would cease.
The grand jury testimony, presented as evidence of Mr. Deaver's allegedly false testimony,, added no details to the prosecution's case.
These allegedly false documents were subsequently "discovered" by Benjamin Netanyahu in the UN file and triggered the "Waldheim Affair".
The immediate causes of the mutiny were a trial of a southern member of the national assembly and an allegedly false telegram urging northern administrators in the South to oppress Southerners.
Supporters of the Democratic minority wheeled a Trojan horse onto the West Front overlooking the Mall to portray the allegedly false gifts of the Gingrich revolution.
Baskin reported that sealed court documents and interviews showed Tennant and NASCAR used "allegedly false drug-test results in 1988 to bar Richmond from racing".
Phillip Cryan also wrote a piece for Counterpunch in 2004 listing many of the allegedly false claims made by O'Grady in her columns.
While supporting an attack on authoritarianism, sexism and fast food through new communications techniques, he avoids the logocentrism and the allegedly false promises of nineteenth and twentieth-century revolutionary thinkers.
Broadwater Farm resident Floyd Jarrett was arrested by police on 5 October 1985, having given false details when stopped with an allegedly false tax disc.