On 23 January 2012, one of its editors, Igor Vinyavsky, was arrested for allegedly distributing leaflets demanding an insurrection and imprisoned, seen as a threat to national security by the Kazakh government.
McGee was also charged with filing false campaign finance reports and electioneering for allegedly distributing campaign literature at a polling place.
Later in 2003, Otto and her husband were indicted by a grand jury for allegedly distributing false campaign material, a misdemeanor.
At the same time, a member of the Jehovah's Witness was arrested and charged with "offending religious sentiment" for allegedly distributing religious literature at Tel Aviv's central bus station on March 1, 1999.
But until there is a bright line about what constitutes the distribution of infringing content and some of these other issues, the government ought to stop seizing websites that allegedly distribute infringing goods.
On 4 July 2012, he was arrested for allegedly distributing cash to voters near a polling booth, and for possessing an unlicensed firearm.
The explosions come two days after the Taliban allegedly distributed pamphlets warning against working with the post-Taliban government of President Hamid Karzai.
He was arrested on 23 January 2012 for allegedly distributing leaflets demanding an insurrection and imprisoned, seen as a threat to national security by the government.
Once again, journalists - seven of them this time - have been arrested on the flimsy pretext that they allegedly distributed anti-Islamic writings.
He allegedly distributed fake financial statements and audit opinion letters of a reputable accounting firm and recruited assistance to represent legitimate companies involved in the transactions, including false e-mail addresses and telephone numbers.