A journalist of opposition newspaper Novaya Gazeta, he investigated Russian apartment bombings allegedly directed by the Russian secret services and Three Whales Corruption Scandal which involved high-rank FSB officers and was related to money laundering through the Bank of New York.
Thanks to its dubious revelation of an anti-Semitic slur allegedly directed by Hillary Rodham Clinton at a campaign worker 26 years ago, "State of a Union" hit the ground running.
A 100-strong armed mob, allegedly directed by undercover police and communist party officials, assaulted the occupants and attempted to clear them from Phuoc Hue pagoda in Lam Dong province.
The words were allegedly directed to everyone present, but Paris doubted that the villagers needed to be told what their dancing signified.
Responding to a 1970 Ansar protest against his newly established government in Khartoum, Gaafar Nimeiry attacked the island with the help of Egyptian fighter-bombers, allegedly directed by Hosni Mubarak who was then a young air force chief.
Hawthorn players were allegedly directed at half time, by Club Director Dermott Brereton who played for the Hawks during the 1980s and early 1990s, to "draw a line in the sand" and take a physical stand against the Bombers to make it clear that they wouldn't take the intimidation any longer.
On March 25, 2009, a man drove down a steep mountain path and almost off a cliff after he was allegedly directed by his portable GPS system.
Lambesis had allegedly directed the detective he believed to be a hit man to kill his wife while he was with his children so he would have an alibi.
The Rite appealed to German national pride, attracted the non-nobility, and was allegedly directed by "Unknown Superiors".
It was allegedly directed by British Military Intelligence and/or the RUC Special Branch.