The Shanti Sena produced all the criminals the authorities identified, including one who was allegedly delivered in an unconscious condition.
One-third of the load was allegedly delivered to Croatia and the rest transported by government trucks to the Moslems in Bosnia.
The demand was allegedly delivered to the country by 12 French warships armed with 500 cannons.
The speech was allegedly delivered to the "Emergency Council of European Rabbis" in Budapest, Hungary on January 12, 1952.
The wife of Ghanaian goal keeper Richard Kingson was allegedly delivered of an evil spirit which was behind her husband's inability to procure a contract with a team since 2011.
Bout's network allegedly delivered surface-to-air missiles used to attack an Israeli airliner during takeoff in Kenya in 2002.
Described as a mild-mannered loner, Suff worked as a county stock clerk who allegedly delivered supplies to the task force investigating his killing spree.
In return, Mr. Sukram "allegedly delivered approximately $11,500 worth of stone" to Mr. Rizzi's private property without charge, the report says.
The virus was allegedly delivered to the terrorists from an army base in the Panama Canal Zone by an unnamed US intelligence source.
MacArthur subsequently paid Cooper $15,000 to leave Washington, the money allegedly delivered by his aide, Dwight Eisenhower.