Charles Ingram, the man who allegedly cheated his way to winning the top prize of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
Her relationship with Austin has ended after Austin allegedly cheated on her with Holly.
Ungar was fined in 1982 by the New Jersey Gaming Commission for allegedly cheating while playing blackjack in an Atlantic City casino.
At the same time, she was allegedly cheating with Kanye Kardashian was dating NFL star Reggie Bush.
On August 13, 1999, City of Hope sued Genentech for allegedly cheating it out of its fair share of the profits from products based on the Riggs-Itakura patents.
In 1979 while known professionally as "Jamil", he sued his partners for allegedly cheating him out of his psychic business in Portland, Oregon.
Allegedly cheats.
Desvignes became the subject of controversy, allegedly cheating by smuggling precooked ingredients into the final.
After seven years of marriage, Radmilo allegedly cheated on Silvana with her friend, the singer Lepa Lukić.
She kicked him out of her flat and burned his clothes when he allegedly cheated on her.