The Kid was also a friend of Al Sieber, who allegedly betrayed him after the Cibecue affair.
They demanded that president Belisario Betancur be tried by the magistrates for allegedly betraying the country's desire for peace.
Thomas claimed defamation in the form of cartoons and words depicting the events of "Black Friday"-when he allegedly betrayed the locked-out Miners' Federation.
Di Falco allegedly betrayed Schiavone's right-hand man Francesco Bidognetti, who was arrested in December 1990.
Pelham and Hotham later fell out and, after Hotham was put on trial for allegedly betraying Hull to the Royalists, Pelham signed his death warrant.
Gylon had suffered banishment at the end of the Peloponnesian War for allegedly betraying Nymphaeum in Crimaea.
The C.I.A. vigorously tries to penetrate the K.G.B. and G.R.U. - several of the Russians whom Ames allegedly betrayed were counterintelligence officers, as was he.
Nediyavan allegedly betrayed KP, leading to his arrest in mid-2009.
Other signs protested Boris N. Yeltsin, the leader of the Russian government, and his call that Mr. Gorbachev resign for allegedly betraying his reform promises and moving back toward dictatorship.
The third major Jewish tribe in Medina, Banu Qurayza was eliminated after allegedly betraying the Muslims during the Battle of the Trench, an event reported in Surah 33:25-27 of the Qur'an.