The Party's policies are said to be based on old-fashioned Labor Party values that were allegedly abandoned by the Australian Labor Party in the early 1970s.
The use of this term is meant to suggest that no new doctrines were being promoted by the dissenters, but rather that the historic faith allegedly abandoned by the parent body was being preserved-or continued-in these newly-founded churches.
That does not make them less effective while they last, or even (as the press reminds us) when they have been discredited and allegedly abandoned.
THE girl allegedly abandoned by Senator Edward Kennedy in the Chappaquiddick car tragedy lived for two hours afterwards, it is claimed.
The minivan was subsequently allegedly abandoned by security personnel & no bullets were fired by the security forces for twenty minutes.
The shaft has been public knowledge since 1986 and was allegedly abandoned in September 1990, when President Fernando Collor de Mello used a small shovel to symbolically seal up the hole.
Others were allegedly abandoned by their staffs, and the prisoners were left in confinement to starve.
Back in the 1950s, in my all-male Harvard undergraduate days, we'd scheme to steal copies of those compulsory nude Wellesley College "posture pictures" (allegedly since abandoned and destroyed) to check out our next dates.
Meanwhile, a few days ago, Italy's Interior Minister made another statement in which he shifted his responsibilities to Europe, which has allegedly abandoned Italy 'as usual', he added with a hint of mischief.