"I talked to her neighbors yesterday, and it turns out one of the tenants who remembered seeing Morelli's alleged witness has suffered sudden death."
One criticism of Project Serpo stems from the lack of veracity of one of its alleged witnesses, Sergeant Richard Doty.
A number of alleged key witnesses were reported to have died on the Eastern Front, while others invoked the "SS Oath" and refused to talk.
The magazine also struggled to pay legal bills incurred from an investigation launched against it by Clinton's Justice Department for alleged witness tampering in the Whitewater investigation.
Valpreda published his prison diaries, entitled It Is Him - the words used by the alleged witness, taxi driver Cornelio Rolandi.
A federal grand jury recently questioned conservative mogul Richard Mellon Scaife in connection with alleged witness tampering by Clinton's enemies in Starr's Whitewater investigation.
'What's this about this alleged witness?'
She is an alleged witness of conversations between the Cali Cartel and Samper during the 1989 presidential campaign.
Who's going to believe a bunch of allegations made by an unknown, anonymous, alleged witness who won't even appear on-camera, who can't prove a word of it?
Strang offered the following alleged witnesses in Nauvoo to corroborate his story: