Selig said he had only read news accounts of the alleged remarks and so could not comment on them.
It's important to note that Jon never, ever, made the alleged remarks regarding the lawyer of the Jewish faith.
But were he to have actually made the alleged remarks in public, one wonders what the reaction would have been.
The author also tells about the famous players fines for alleged racist remarks.
The alleged remark angered the Sikh community, which reportedly planned some public protests.
Since the alleged remark was made in an entirely inaudible whisper, the reports were based on "lipreading."
As she faced calls to quit over the alleged racist remark, she insisted the comment had been taken out of context.
Asked about her alleged remark about his homosexual job, she became a bit testy.
The alleged remarks some people have made, the conclusions that we came to, should have been thought through at least in some ways.
The alleged remarks by doctors to patients quoted above were taken from an Action Campaign survey highlighting 'bad' treatment.