She was re-sentenced on July 15, 2010, to 10 years in prison in light of her alleged perjury at her trial.
The alleged perjury is just a symptom of a deeper problem to which Mr. Clinton has now admitted: a lack of common sense.
Police said Hamilton was held in connection with alleged perjury.
Mr. Aronwald has asked the court to overturn Ms. Warmus's second-degree murder conviction, accusing prosecutors of suppressing evidence and allowing the alleged perjury.
You can't help wondering if this alleged perjury was purely his own idea and whether Mr. Cheney was aware of it.
His strongest elements concerned new witnesses and the alleged perjury of Washington.
In September 2007, Chief Prosecutor Trnka decided to replace police investigators working on the case of Malina's alleged perjury and start the investigation again.
The efforts of fundamentalists and other conservatives in 1998--99 to impeach President Bill Clinton because of his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky and subsequent alleged perjury also proved counterproductive.
Still, he is being investigated by a federal grand jury for alleged perjury in testimony about steroids.
It would not absolve the President of any future indictment and prosecution of alleged perjury.