Marktrace Projects Ltd is named tonight in a Thames TV documentary Raiders of the Rainforest for alleged misappropriation of a £20m loan.
The preliminary hearing for the alleged misappropriations and misdeeds of the Bell City council members charged, began on February 7, 2011.
Later (January 1987), Ashton-Tate would sue Migent for alleged misappropriation of trade secrets.
The Price Chopper grocery store chain commenced a multi-million dollar suit against Binghamton Giant Market, Inc. for alleged misappropriation of trade secrets.
The alleged misappropriation of funds and related activities have been the subject of police and media investigation.
Another accusation lies in the alleged misappropriation of indigenous drugs in poor countries by drug companies in the developed world.
Late the following year, he was expelled from the board for alleged misappropriation of funds refusing to provide certain documents.
This alleged misappropriation of funds, along with Medina's lavish spending, was said to have caused the company's woes.
Suharto was placed highest on Transparency International's list of corrupt leaders with an alleged misappropriation of between US $15-35 billion during his 32-year presidency.
Swiss authorities are probing the alleged misappropriation of about £60 million of investors' funds.