This ruling allowed Herbert to seek proof of the alleged libel.
One MP was sued for alleged libel in June 1978 over a jibe in the supporters.
In 1799 he was summoned before the House of Lords for an alleged libel on Bishop Richard Watson, whose political conduct he had censured.
Horizon asked for at least $50,000 for the alleged libel.
It is unusual for the courts to exercise prior restraint over newspapers in cases of alleged libel.
In all such cases, the media outlets settled, and offered apologies for the alleged libel.
It is often difficult to prove the truth of the alleged libel in all its particulars.
He then directed the jury to determine only whether or not Croswell had published the alleged libels.
In respect of requiring to prove that the alleged libel was true in all its factual particulars he said, at p. 279:
In response, D'Annunzio held a press conference, naming Tom Fetzer as the origin of the alleged libel.