By July 10 he had prepared a 20-page complaint outlining 44 alleged instances of misrepresentation which he filed with the National News Council, a media watchdog organization.
Yodel received much negative publicity in December 2011 for alleged instances of poor performance.
The Malleus Maleficarum discusses several alleged instances of pacts with the Devil, especially concerning women.
The second mode, naskh al-hukmwa-'l-tilāwa, was also generally acknowledged, in part due to the many alleged instances of revelatory erasure:
Police officials in all three states reported that they were "seldom summoned to a nursing home following an alleged instance of abuse," the study said.
A second alleged instance of commerce involved his real estate company Dirigo Holdings LLC.
In the 20th century, there have been various alleged instances of soap being made from human body fat.
He has also been investigated for two alleged instances of hacking, including breaking into the Swedish tax office between 2010 and April 2012, and is also suspected of serious fraud.
The government was criticised for failing to address the issue back in 2006 after alleged instances where multiple voters had registered under a same address surfaced.
Although 19% of the accused priests had alcohol or substance abuse problems, only 9% used drugs or alcohol during the alleged instances of abuse.