His job is to review cases of alleged impropriety within the department.
He made allegations related to alleged financial impropriety on the part of another cabinet minister, allegations he was asked by the president to substantiate.
No one else in the university community was in any way involved in the alleged improprieties.
The commission's hearings in October focused attention on alleged improprieties in District 27.
This was the second time he met with a manager to reveal alleged improprieties.
"We remain open to discussing any alleged improprieties," Blackmun said.
A number of cases involving politicians and government workers in real or alleged sexual improprieties dominated headlines during the year.
Schmidt agreed, pending an investigation into alleged improprieties in safety studies for aspartame and several drugs.
He said that the public's tolerance for alleged fiscal improprieties had "essentially disappeared."
Ultimately, the Foundation received all its funding and the alleged improprieties proved unfounded.