Detractors, however, criticize the acting, question the genuine animal slayings, and point to an alleged hypocrisy that the film presents.
And, Elend suspected that there was a deeper reason for it than Elend's alleged hypocrisy.
Jones has avoided talking about the incident ever since, although it is frequently raised by his opponents or those looking to highlight alleged hypocrisy in his comments.
Days later, however, a protest by Art Uncut at the Glastonbury Festival against U2's alleged hypocrisy on matters of taxation was stopped with force by festival security.
Nobody was asking Gary Bauer such questions that day (except perhaps for pointed contrast), because the obvious hook for these questions is Bush's alleged hypocrisy.
The campaigns also attacked CNN for alleged hypocrisy towards Latinos, citing CNN's "Latino in America" special as incompatible with their continued support of Dobbs.
The alleged hypocrisy of benefitting from a parental leg-up whilst supposedly introducing a fairer system is not something I am bothered with.
As Sarah, Robin Weigert manages her alleged hypocrisy - she's just doing her job, after all - with the slick elan of well-coiffed news anchor.
Norway's acceptance of hunting, whaling and sealing were also raised as proof of the alleged hypocrisy of the Norwegian position.
For all the talk about the Governor's alleged hypocrisy, it is nothing compared with that of some of his supporters.