Instead, we hear voices cautioning against reducing military expenditures because of the alleged baleful effect on the economy.
For a full debunking of this alleged effect, please see
Its account of the brutality of French repression caused a controversy over its alleged deleterious effect on the army's morale.
Plans to complete an east-west connector road in the area were mired in controversy because of alleged adverse effects on the environment.
These are the alleged effects of grade inflation.
This included rap music, broadcasts by shock jock Howard Stern, the content of computer and video games and their alleged effects on children.
The alleged effects of these are contrary to orthodox science.
According to Cornell "without the presence of a living person, none of the alleged paranormal effects occur."
He based his theory on the main effects, or alleged effects, produced by the mushroom.
The chemical compound thujone, although present in the spirit in only trace amounts, was blamed for its alleged harmful effects.