But if the alleged discoveries of perceptions of social facts aren't therefore dubious, its hard to see why the original claims about the social facts are.
How long have you been aware of this alleged discovery?
The instrument supposedly applied an alleged discovery in magnetism by which, in addition to the direction of the north pole, latitude could be ascertained.
This is the first alleged discovery of gold in the San Juan River.
Kelley's alleged discovery created a stampede to Aurora.
Castelnau first mentioned "d'Albaigne" in October 1577 when reporting Frobisher's alleged discovery of gold mines.
Several factors about the alleged discovery led journalists to claim that the discovery was in fact a hoax.
There is no cartographical or written evidence for this alleged discovery.
This alleged discovery was described at length in his book Gogmagog: The Buried gods but is not widely accepted.
"An alleged scientific discovery has no merit unless it can be explained to a barmaid."