The severity with which he was treated is the more astonishing, since his mission to Genoa was the alleged cause of it.
In 1981, Castellano met twice with businessman Frank Perdue, the alleged cause of the 1975 Borelli murder.
This extraordinary fact is said to be the alleged cause of her ESP.
Or, conversely, do alleged causes finally need to make sense in a system of rules and rational choices?
There were two pleas, one denying indebtedness and the other averring that the alleged cause of action did not accrue within three years before the suit.
Welsh triads offer clues to the alleged cause of the Battle of Camlann.
Note the following: Medical experts say the alleged cause of Mr. Hashemi's death is highly improbable.
The alleged cause of the conflict between the nobles was the rape of Gerard van Velsen's wife by Floris.
Chapter 17 provides further background to this alleged cause of low levels of UK investment.
They destroyed our van to protest our alleged cause of the accident.