In 1950 he publicly announced that he possessed a long list of alleged Communists he claimed were on the U.S. State Department payroll.
He came under great strain and eventually resigned during the McCarthy 'witch-hunt' investigations into alleged Communists 1950-1954.
"There was 'Red Channels' in the 50's," he said, referring to the booklet that named alleged Communists in the entertainment industry.
In 1956, he represented alleged Communists before the House Un-American Activities Committee.
Ahead of the 2004 electoral campaign, Janša turned towards moderation, tempering his radical language and attacks against alleged Communists.
The Government oversaw the massacre of some 500,000 alleged Communists after crushing what it contended was an attempted Communist coup.
In the 1950s, both of her parents, Cedric Belfrage and Molly Castle, were deported from the United States as alleged Communists.
The regents wanted alleged Communists within the economics department dismissed.
In other cases victims were suspected or simply alleged Communists.
In August and September 1946, Wilkerson published other columns containing a larger number of alleged Communists and sympathizers.