Commensurate with these properties of this layout, Subaru now specializes in all-wheel-drive vehicles.
Subaru has greatly improved the mileage of the redesigned 2012 Impreza compact, making it the most fuel-efficient all-wheel-drive vehicle sold in the United States.
This layout makes the FCX technically an all-wheel-drive vehicle.
Subaru said it expected all-wheel-drive vehicles to account for 60 to 65 percent of its sales this year.
What follows are the nine all-wheel-drive vehicles that are available in the U.S. for under $22,000.
On snow, ice and sand, rear-wheel drive loses its traction advantage to front- or all-wheel-drive vehicles, which have greater weight on the driven wheels.
The two-axle, all-wheel-drive vehicle with payload of 4 000 kg was developed after an assignment of the Finnish Defence Forces.
The gains also make the Impreza the most fuel-efficient all-wheel-drive vehicle sold in the United States.
In recent years, millions of Americans have purchased four-wheel- and all-wheel-drive vehicles.
After the initial trials however the designers decided to develop and expand the concepts onto 8x8 all-wheel-drive all-terrain vehicle.