The Chinese-style cleaver, with a blade that's typically seven inches long, four inches wide and a quarter to a sixteenth of an inch thick, is an all-purpose knife.
"Then I'll bring an all-purpose knife."
She put her hand into the pocket of her slacks and withdrew the sort of all-purpose knife that all boys carry.
His all-purpose knife, in his hands, was more than sculp- tor's entire rack of tools.
It was one of those all-purpose knives with a flick blade sharp as a razor.
After all, she had no more use for the two coins, the scrap of bread, the three pins, and that all-purpose knife, the blade honed to half its original width, left from her gang days.
Boots, an insulated suit, three all-purpose knives, a sleeping bag, a hundred feet of light rope, a week's emergency rations, a canteen-the list went on and on.
It is designed to be an all-purpose knife, similar to a chef's knife, except smaller.
Choppers are the most common all-purpose Chinese knife.
She pried the lid off the can of baked beans with the all-purpose knife and scooped some out with her fingers.