Al Angelero, the host, is continuing the campaign he began on his former all-night show at WNYC-AM during the height of cab crime.
He spent the five and a half hours from 3:30 to 9:00 in an all-night perverto show.
According to Williams "the guy who did the all-night show had just been fired for being bombed on the air."
There is the time he went to an all-night shadow-puppet show for spiritual inspiration but fell asleep before the good part.
It was an all-night show, the first I'd ever been to.
Still, Mr. Piamenta, 46, who has six children, admitted to feeling "dead" the morning after his all-night show.
Kaufman's big break came in 1958 after he moved to WINS-AM to do the all-night show, which he titled "The Swingin' Soiree."
The all-night show was a mecca for country music stars of all kinds, many of whom were personal friends of Emery.
For an all-night show, deejays can come in and record during the day.
When Mr. Nebel died in 1978, she continued the all-night show until 1989.