The contacts were initiated after an all-night meeting of the Bonn coalition partners on military policy.
The insolvency filing was announced by Bremer Vulkan after an all-night meeting of its supervisory board and protests by thousands of its 23,000 workers, who fear that the company will go under.
There were all-night meetings - Mr. Beil recalls speaking to a packed crowd at 3 A.M.
The agreement, which was declared "a dead deal" and "a long shot" as recently as last weekend, was revived through a series of all-night meetings that culminated with today's truce.
At an all-night meeting on Wednesday, Democrats and Republicans devised a plan that avoided even bigger cuts proposed by Gov. John G. Rowland, a Republican.
But change will surely take a few more all-night meetings like a special European summit conference planned later this month in Berlin, the third such meeting since last fall.
April 1:Budget talks collapse after an all-night meeting between Mr. Cuomo and legislative leaders.
My brain cells had called an all-night meeting to organize input from the past few days.
Most major union decisions are made by commissioners who speak in obfuscatory bureaucratese, or at all-night meetings of national leaders.
No final plan was agreed upon at that all-night meeting.