The move will end the club's 145-year year existence as an all-male institution.
However, for a brief time, Drew became an all-male institution, during the 1930s until 1942.
Anger is understood in these all-male institutions by both staff and prisoners.
Construction began July 4, 1885, and the first patients of the then all-male institution took occupancy in 1888.
Until 1972, the school had been an all-male institution.
However, the school soon began having financial problems and it reopened as an all-male institution.
The first woman joined the faculty of the all-male institution amidst controversy in 1968.
In keeping with the practice of British and American all-male institutions at the time, women's roles were played by men.
Women's access to traditionally all-male institutions took several generations to become complete.
In addition, all-male institutions can produce a culture of male-female relations that is not everything one might wish.