The two live on a cargo ship with an all-male crew from many countries.
Mommy employs an all-male crew and a bevy of beautiful young women catering to her many wants.
His all-male crew completed its nonstop global voyage in 1994 in 71 days 14 hours.
For many years Eagle had an all-male crew.
I was wondering the same about them, but also had to admit I'd misjudged their reasons for all-male crews.
She lived on the ship, with its all-male crew, until she was 17.
Women would also be allowed to fly maritime-surveillance planes that now have all-male crews.
With an all-male crew, you do rather stand out.
Gladia said, "Why do you have an all-male crew, by the way?
An all-male crew had been vetoed as unhealthy and sociaily unstable from lessons learned earlier.