Also Höber received only an all-inclusive fee for each novel, not considering the amplitude of the publisher's profit.
The all-inclusive fee is $15, students and the elderly will be charged $12.
Most couples are attracted to Sandals by the all-inclusive fee.
Costs are equivalent to the High Point all-inclusive fee and most financial aid applies.
Virginia residents among the school's roughly 1,300 students pay a $6,500 all-inclusive fee, while out-of-staters are charged $10,500.
They have also arranged a system for all-inclusive fees so that companies don't need to negotiate with each ballet's designer and composer separately.
VAT Liability depends on the nature of the supply which has to be decided at the time the all-inclusive fee is paid.
The rate is an all-inclusive fee, and campers never need to pay for anything out of pocket.
An all-inclusive fee of $50 covers transportation, lunch, admission charges, lectures and tours.
A patron's brunch is available at 1 P.M. for an all-inclusive fee of $100.