My boss, headed to an all-day conference in Baltimore.
The mood was positive at the all-day conference, which included seminars on mechanized farming, organic land care, biotechnology and "community organizing for positive change."
New York Law School devoted an all-day conference on Thursday to the legal issues raised by the school's very existence.
Its release was marked by an all-day conference at the Notre Dame Law School on September 9, 2011.
An all-day conference.
Training varies, however, from all-day conferences to the issuing of instruction manuals.
One woman recalls how, in 1987, hundreds of women came from all over the country to hold a secret national all-day conference.
And much of the talk at the all-day conference centered on how parents could be encouraged to exercise those provisions.
An all-day conference exploring the role of women in saving historic sites.
Anjero's annual all-day conference last month, at Westminster Choir College of Rider University here, was the organization's third.