Where was the wave of all-consuming love I was supposed to feel?
Geetha turns in a convincing performance as a woman whose all-consuming love ends up consuming her.
When they were introduced in late 1942, Lilly's fascination turned to attraction and fear and then to an all-consuming, erotic love.
And then in rhythmic tones, half-speech, half-chant, she wrung from deep within herself a description of all-consuming love.
That anything so small could call from her such all-consuming love.
Surely popular music offers no better summary of all-consuming love than this?
But never with that all-consuming love she had dreamed about.
Mat's all-consuming innocent love purifies Anna even as hers fills him with wonder and joy.
He sees the World as it really is, unjust, evil - no evidence of a supernal, all-consuming love.
But his mother was an intellectual free spirit whose all-consuming love for her son bordered on the obsessive.