At the McDonald's all-American game in 2002, some scouts considered Fraser a higher draft pick than Carmelo Anthony.
Lieberman said she was astounded to find out that none of the participants in the McDonald's all-American game last week were headed to Tennessee.
That probably has something to do with why no one heard of me until the McDonald's all-American game.
He played in the two top all-American games, the McDonald's All-American Game and the Jordan Brand Classic.
Jessica understands that as part of the language of baseball, the all-American game for all Americans.
'Grab This Chance' "Most women don't get very many games on television while the men play in all sorts of all-American games and they're always surrounded by exposure," she said.
His pass to himself off the backboard for a one-handed dunk at the end of last year's McDonald's all-American game can be seen on YouTube.
Baseball, after all, is the all-American game and New Jersey, as Governor Kean says, "is a lot like 'America the Beautiful' -just smaller."
We go way back to all-American games in high school and stuff like that.
White participated in two all-American games as a senior.