The alien symbols that served as numbers and letters rolled past, faster than the human eye could see but not fast enough for Paris.
The man gazed at the closed door for a few moments, then turned back to the board full of alien symbols.
I focused my education solely on cryptography, and languages, on alien symbols and linguistics.
"It must be there, Legion; but in the first section, the part written in alien symbols."
None of the strange alien symbols Harland had recorded appeared.
More of the alien symbols appeared as well.
The legend written on its side in alien symbols seemed to read 'egg nog'.
There were alien symbols in flaking paint on the box.
Then de Marigny's very soul shrank down within him, as if some monstrously alien symbol had been held out to it.
At first the screen display filled with a mishmash of alien symbols in bright green on an orange background.