Policy questions, such as whether resident alien status should be revoked upon the person's conviction of a terrorist crime, were not addressed.
The three hold resident alien status in the United States.
A victory in court would not change the family's illegal alien status, however, leaving them vulnerable to deportation.
He becomes friends with a suburban family and stays with them, after they agree to keep his alien status a secret.
Shouldn't there be a statute of limitations on their alien status?
Many women are less interested in romance than in resident alien status, the report noted, and so marriages may quickly break up.
The Francos got legal resident alien status in April 1991.
Once assuming alien status, they were forced to comply with the permit system or leave Gibraltar.
They'd go through a ceremony, if only for green-card purposes, and resident alien status would be his.
And there it was: her open confession of alien status.