Moreover, new alien rules were also introduced changing people's food habits and other aspects of cultural life.
Volunteers enter and explore it, but are inevitably killed for violating the unknown alien rules in force within the structure.
It marks the end of colonialism and the liberation of Zo land from alien rule.
After the mutiny, the Raj's subjects, when they resisted alien rule, did so for the most part peacefully.
Once suffered under alien rule, free at last to be its own.
No wonder that when alien rule can successfully be challenged, there is a tremendous urge to independence, to deliberately stress distinctions between "us" and "them."
Land was parcelled out to major mamluks to enrich themselves and this unusual form of alien rule perpetuated itself for several centuries.
The Zionist aggression was not merely an armed invasion of a country and the imposition of alien rule on its inhabitants.
He preferred this position to working under what he considered service to the alien rule of Britain.
Mr. Yezzie doesn't like officials or alien rules telling him where he can go and what he can do at what times.