"Whatever it is," Bowers said, "could it be related to the fight between our alien guests and the folks who attacked them?"
The storm soon envelops the ship, making for frequent bouts of turbulence, and as the days wear on, nerves fray - particularly with the alien guests.
You may not harm an alien guest by leading it into any distasteful situation.
H was an awesome responsibility, serving the first meal to an alien guest.
He wouldn't insult an alien guest.
Krushenkos is accustomed to serving alien guests.
Still, that same intense distrust for people beyond their borders would have driven the Romulans to continuously monitor their alien guests.
Engineers throughout the room paused from their tasks and studied their alien guests, uncertainty written on their faces.
A clever alien guest who came from far away, across the unguessed light-years?
Well, maybe our alien guest will change their perspectives somehow, though I'm doubtful.