Even for an alien design it was a very strange habitat.
At the front, its mouth is surprisingly tiny, and surrounded by eyes and nostrils of alien design.
However, the longer he moved around these dark, shrouded machines of alien design and form the more difficult his plan appeared to be.
There is Galeon, a sentient mechanical lion of alien design.
They stood near what was evidently a spaceship of some alien design.
The player can also use explosive grenades, one of Human origin, and the other of alien design.
A vehicle of alien design drew up at the plaza's rim and perhaps a dozen figures emerged.
It was a strangely arched window, of a design wholly alien to earth.
Although the Travelers look human, their ship appears to be of alien design.
In a movie, though, if you're going to build a giant physical structure of alien design, you have to make it believable.