After the attack, the aliens adjust their translators and communicate with Joe and Mike.
"If these aliens communicated through philotic links," said Quara, "they wouldn't have to use molecules."
But what if the humans and the aliens could communicate mathematically?
He often discussed extraterrestrials using phrases from Star Trek and stated that aliens communicated with him through the show.
The alien can only communicate using modulated musical sounds, a concept used three decades later in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
This deciphers the mathematical expressions because the "forbidden" mathematical maneuvers are the only way aliens can communicate with other more sophisticated races.
The aliens do not communicate directly with Earth, only by leaving the cases on the ISS.
Whether sulking or hurting, the alien had only communicated when spoken to, his glib pre-beating quips no longer in evidence.
The aliens communicated telepathically, a power she didn't possess herself.
The aliens communicate by changing the colors of their shells, Mr. Sulu.