Was his ship devoured by these hungry alien bugs?
"I've seen this movie," he says as an alien bug crawls around inside his protective suit.
Naturally, no alien bug would be able to compete with the strains we humans have been living with for thousands of years.
A way you could go back and study like Clayben with some new alien bug under his microscope.
But then he has to save the town from alien bugs.
Thus, microbes from another genesis - alien bugs, if you will - could conceivably have survived on Earth until today.
Our planet could be seething with alien bugs without anyone suspecting it.
With it destroyed, the team is drifted in space, and a surviving small alien bug is seen hiding.
Yet deep in his heart he feared the possibility that they had all been poisoned by some alien bug for which there was no cure.
We checked him over for alien bugs and neurotoxins, and he's got a clean bill of health.