Mr. Davis said the judge had ruled out two "alibi" witnesses for his client.
Of course, he knew he wasn't going to get the jump entirely on David Moore's alibi witnesses.
He also said he would call me as your alibi witness if you wind up standing trial for murder.
No alibi witnesses were offered until seven years after the crime, and the courts determined their testimony was not credible.
Many of his alibi witnesses are dead, crucial evidence has been lost and the police officers who arrested him have long since retired.
The judge said he believed the defense's alibi witnesses; however, the judge was required by law to respect the jury's decision.
But for the prosecution, she was a courtroom classic, too: the alibi witness who wilts.
For example, a jurisdiction may require the defendant to disclose intended alibi witnesses before trial.
It is not an exception to the rule gives details of alibi witnesses.
What should the police do about those alibi witnesses?