Dr Iyengar has introduced new data structures and algorithmic techniques for large scale computations in sensor technologies and File processing applications.
Recent work uses a combination of statistical models and algorithmic techniques to detect gene families that are under the effect of natural selection.
Most of the questions can be solved with the use of algorithmic techniques, although logic is usually sufficient.
Fan-like images due to modalities such as curved-array ultrasound are also common and require different representational and algorithmic techniques to process.
They often use IP/LP/Semidefinite solvers, complex data structures or sophisticated algorithmic techniques which lead to difficult implementation problems.
The technique of filtered back projection is one of the most established algorithmic techniques for this problem.
This may again be done efficiently, in time O(n) and space O(n), by an algorithmic technique known as topological sweeping.
Knuth Prize 2011 for developing influential algorithmic techniques aimed at solving long-standing computational problems.
Furthermore, Schillinger pioneered advanced algorithmic compositional techniques long before the work of Iannis Xenakis and other later advocates.
A Pairwise Algorithm is an algorithmic technique with its origins in Dynamic programming.